
Showing posts from August, 2016

Marvel Avengers Alliance

Marvel Avengers Alliance Marvel Avengers Alliance is a game produced by playdom for facebook A role playing game based for facebook. You can controlled up to three heroes character from marvel Usually you can controlled agents plus two heroes for battle but in some stages you can used three heroes. Agents is customized character that can use 4 weapon of your choices. Collecting Heroes To buy the marvel heroes character need command point or golds. You can buy golds or golds can be found in some events. Stages also give you a gold rewards. For every level up you get 1 gold. Command point can be exchange from golds. Every gold give you 2 command points. Command points can be found in some events and stages. Some heroes are events heroes so you cannot collect it if the events already finish. Talking Corner There are new suits for agents for 128 Golds but now discounts for 64 golds (17 August 2016) I try buy the Generalist's Flights Suit. After that you can research i