Marvel Avengers Alliance

Marvel Avengers Alliance

Marvel Avengers Alliance is a game produced by playdom for facebook
A role playing game based for facebook.
You can controlled up to three heroes character from marvel
Usually you can controlled agents plus two heroes for battle but in some stages you can used three heroes. Agents is customized character that can use 4 weapon of your choices.

Collecting Heroes
To buy the marvel heroes character need command point or golds.
You can buy golds or golds can be found in some events. Stages also give you a gold rewards. For every level up you get 1 gold.
Command point can be exchange from golds. Every gold give you 2 command points. Command points can be found in some events and stages.
Some heroes are events heroes so you cannot collect it if the events already finish.

Talking Corner
There are new suits for agents for 128 Golds but now discounts for 64 golds (17 August 2016)
I try buy the Generalist's Flights Suit. After that you can research it for 12.300 silvers plus 5 minutes. You can skip under 5 minutes for free.

In battle the agent start with normal outfit and can enter the flights suit mode. After you enter you cannot undo it. The flights suit have 4 actions move. Every type have a different actions move. Because I buy the generalist so here the 4 actions move. 

You start with 100% power and every actions cost you power drain. You can recharge it. On bellow right is picture of the flights suit in battle.

Video :

Guardian Ronan 
Guardian Ronan have a basic buff called Enhanced Kree Speed that give you extra turn without apply exhaustion. First skill Guardian Ronan give Near Fatal that kills enemy with health bellow 20% instantly.  The Third Skill give everybody Kree speed, Kree Strength, and Rising Up. Guardian Ronan have many turns with good buff for party and debuff for enemies.  


Update 1 September 2016
Today, I saw this announcement  when I open Marvel Avengers Alliance. 
" As a valued Player, we want to let you know that gold and silver  purchasing is no longer available in this product. You will still be able to play the game until september 30, 2016, 
However, Disney interactive will no be able to refund or credit you any virtual goods, game currency, or other items purchased by or provided to you. 
By Exiting this prompt you acknowledge that you have read and understand this message"

Marvel Avengers Alliance 
Spec Op 36 Reward: Adam Warlock
Mission last until 1 October 2016
Because this the last update and mission so they give you a lot of Golds and Command Point. So sad to think that Marvel Avengers Alliance will shut down. 

Adam Warlock is a blaster with high attack. His second skill give cosmic glow to enemy that make the enemy guaranteed to hit and critical. His third Skill give all allies extra turn plus give cosmic power that give allies raise in attack, accuracy, defend, and evasion for one turn. 

Phyla-Vell is a reward for PVP season 32. Phyla-Vell have Martyr ability that give her survive ability when she being KO for once. This ability give her full health, remove harmful effect, and 2 actions every turn for 2 turns. Phyla-Vell are strong character but need time to make it happen because all her skill give debuff for enemies. 

Video :

White Tiger
You can buy the White Tiger for 90 command points White Tiger is strong character. Her passive skill give her immunity to stun, damage over time, incapacitate, and fear effect.  Her passive skill also give ability to restore health and stamina to herself every turn and  primal fear to enemy that reduce attack, accuracy, defend, and evasion. Her last skill is free action that give you increase in attack, accuracy, defend, and evasion then the choice of last skill will change into attack one enemy that give great damage with deathly critical. 

Video :

Angela :
Faiza Hussain :
Jessica Jones :
Kamala Khan :
Knight America :
Spider Gwen :
Thor Jane Foster :
Vision :

Howard The Duck :
Magneto :

Guardian of Galaxy
Gamora :
Groot :
Rocket Racoon :
Star Lord :

Chase Stein :
Nico Minoru :
Karolina Dean :
Victor Mancha :


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