The Happy Hereafter

The Happy Hereafter

The Happy Hereafter is a 2013 game produce by Alawar and Mirball.
A cute game with Halloween theme. It is a easy game can finish it with only couple hours but it kinda fun and interesting. Game type is a city building. Find the resource then build something to continue the story line.


Here the interface of the game. Upper right where you see picture is a quest. Click it for more information. Upper middle section is a resource section. Upper right is menu section. Lower right, the purple ball is a mana point. Lower middle section is building section. Lower left is a worker.
Tips: To make easy to search for worker you can see on lower left and see who are free then click on the picture and drag it on task. No need to search the screen for worker.
If you see red face icon above the worker it means the energy are empty. Refill it by drag to dinning table and eat the food. 

Important: Don't built something or research something before the quest appear. This is a bug in the game. If you go further before quest appear then you must restart the game.

Meet your assistant
Quest: First task is build the house.
You just need to drag worker to work place that been mark with an arrow.

Meet Tony Pumpkin Head
Quest: Collect Five unit of food
Your first resource is food with pumpkin icon.
You can find it near house look like blue tree. Later you can produce food when you have farm.

Quest: Clear the bush that blocking the way south
Drag and drop worker on the bush with skull in the south
Quest: Use Magic on the altar three times

Meet Paranormalist Vladoff
Quest: Build the wood house
Quest: Explore two nearest crypts
There are skulls with green light on the south. Just drag the worker on it.
Quest: Collect five unit wood
Wood is your second resource. You can find a tree in the left side of map. Just drag worker on it. Later you can get this resource after you build the sawmill.

Quest: Clear the road to the island
Quest: Build a cellar
Quest: Find bony leg in the nearest crypts

Meet Skeleton Pelos
Find the treasure, a figurine, and a scroll
Read on the figurine and scroll location
Quest: Build the laboratory
Quest: Study Production
Quest: Restore the farm
Quest: Collect 10 units of food
Quest: Build the workshop
Quest: Build a Coach in the workshop
Quest: Drive away the flying pig
When there are attack incoming. The are attacking the castle. So easy way is wait near the castle. The pig usually flying to above the castle. Click the pig a couple times to defeat it. There 4 pigs in total.

Meet The Flying Pig
Quest: Build a trading post
Quest: Study Magic
Quest: Sell 10 unit of food
Quest: Build a mana generator
Quest: Buy the toxic waste

Quest: Use magic on the mermaid

Meet The Little Mermaid
Quest: Drain the swamp
Quest: Collect the five eyeberries

Meet The Witch
Quest: Restore The Kitchen
Quest: Restore the Sawmill
Quest: Make Three moss eyes

Meet Knight
Quest: Defend yourself against the knigt
The knight attacking by the foot so the easier way is wait in the castle's stair.
Quest: Collect 15 units of wood
Quest: Upgrade a house to level 2
Quest: Build a hotel
Quest: Build a souvenir shop
Quest: Made three wood skulls
Quest: Build a circus
Quest: Put on the show
Quest: Upgrade warehouse to level 2
Quest: Clear the bushes to the south
Hotel order Moss eyes (3)
Quest: Build a forest Cellar
Quest: Build a second farm
Quest: Sturdy bridge construction
Quest: Build a bridge across the river
Quest: Collect 10 moss units

Meet Golem the Crybaby
Quest: Collect Five Stones
Quest: Collect Five units of Honey
Hotel Order Wooden Skull (3)
Quest: Upgrade Laboratory to level 2
Quest: Upgrade farm to level 2
Hotel Order Lonely Clown
Quest: Cook three sweat steaks
Quest: Upgrade workshop to level 2
Hotel Order Moss eyes (3)
Quest: Upgrade kitchen to level 2
Quest: Make six servings of northern honey
Quest: Build another sawmill

Quest: Explore the mountain caves

Quest: Defend against surprise attack
Strategy to defeat unknown is same with the knight. You just need to wait them in castle's stairs.

Meet Unknown
Hotel Order: Wooden Skull (3)
Quest: Repair the stone quarry
Quest: Build another stone house
Quest: Upgrade the sawmill to level 2
Quest: Build the mountain cellar
Quest: Make six family dinner
Quest: Collect 30 units of wood
Quest: Upgrade the souvenir shop to level 2
Quest: Explore the dessert crypts

Meet Timid Mummy
Quest: Make Six stone figurines
Quest: Upgrade mana generator to level 2
Quest: Use magic on the mermaid
Quest: Upgrade hotel to level 2
Quest: Build a new stone quarry
Quest: Upgrade the circus to level 2
Quest: Collect 15 stones
Quest: Study bridge construction level 2
Quest: Build a stone bridge
Quest: Take closer at Anubis statue and find the voodoo doll

Meet A Weird Shaman
Quest: Upgrade the trading post to level 2
Quest: Remove the sheep from the meadow
The quest need you to search for the fake gold. What you need is go to the trading post and buy the fake gold for 250 gold.

Meet An Old Tree

Quest: Sell five units of wood
You need to sell wood but you don't find wood anywhere. What you need is to make 5 plank then sell it on trading post.
Quest: Upgrade three houses to level 2
Quest: Upgrade the warehouse to level 3
Quest: Build a dessert cellar
Quest: Upgrade one of the stone quarries
Quest: Upgrade laboratory to level 3
Quest: Upgrade workshop to level 3
Quest: Upgrade mana generator to level 3
Quest: Use magic on the living tree
Quest: Upgrade souvenir shop to level 3
Quest: Collect 10 crystals
Quest: Build a crystal house
Quest: Upgrade kitchen to level 3
Quest: Build a crystal cellar
Quest: Produce nine crystal balls
Quest: Upgrade hotel to level 3
Quest: Upgrade one farm to level 3
Quest: Collect 30 stones
Quest: Upgrade the circus to level 3
Quest: Upgrade trading post to level 3
Quest: Sell 10 Northern side dishes
Quest: Upgrade 4 houses to level 3

Quest: Catch the leprechaun
Quest: Stage the grand show
Use all 300 mana to perform the grand show on circus and you'll see the ending.

Figurine Location

First Figurine locate bellow the castle

Second figurine locate in the middle of the farm

Third Figurine locate near the Skeleton Pelos

Fourth Figurine locate near the second farm

Fifth Figurine locate near the second sawmill

Sixth Figurine locate on the pyramid

Seventh Figurine locate bellow the Anubis statue

Eighth Figurine locate above the Weird Shaman

Scroll Location

The first scroll locate bellow the tree where you collect wood

Second Scroll locate in the pond beside the treasure and sawmill.

Third scroll locate in the house hanging in the tree near the witch.

Fourth Scroll locate near the bee hive

Fifth Scroll locate above the castle

Sixth Scroll locate bellow the pyramid

Seventh Scroll locate near the bridge and bellow the dock.

Eighth Scroll locate near the sheep

How to resource in this game

For money the fastest way is selling other resource like food, moss, meat, honey. Don't Sell resource you got from enemy because is wasting time to get. The best way is selling the pumpkin. Use 3 worker to work on both farm to make food faster then selling it to get the money.

wood and stone
For wood and stone, To get them faster is use magic on worker. Use the single magic and use on the worker nearest the cellar so they produce faster. The one that make them slower is walking so if you want to get real fast you need drag and drop them on resource - cellar to minus the time cost for walking. 



Leprechaun The Last Boss!

Another Extra
You can decorate your town using resource. 
There are four type decoration.
You can go to extra section from main menu to see the museum like appearance with statues of the character. You can click on statue to make them move. There also some picture hanging on the wall illustrate the character. 


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