Computer Application

This is the list of computer application that I using it right now. I will share it because this application really help me a lot. Sometimes I need some application but don't know what worth to use and must try it. In this list are list of my application that I usually use in daily basis.

Video Downloader
You like watching video from streaming site like youtube and you want to download it but you don't know application to use. For this I will recommend two application. 

First one is Youtube Downloader

The appearance of this application you can see in the picture above. You can see the logo on left upper side of the picture. But not all streaming site can be download by this youtube downloader that why I recommend second application.

Second one is Xmlbar video downloader

The appearance of this application you can see in the left picture above. The right one is the logo of Xmlbar video Downloader. I usually using this one to download video from youku (like yooutube but this one is chinese website)

Snipping tool

Snipping tool is a tool for you to part or whole screen. This application I use to take picture of my screen like picture of application in this blog are taken by this application.

Audio Editor

If you work on audio field or If you like to edit song want cut the song. This application is good to use. When I download some song and have some noisy or some part that disturb me and I can't find the good one. I usually use this to repair it.


For photoshop I also using two application

 The First one is Phtoshop element 10 and the other one is Gimp. Why I use this two applications. I usually using photoshop element 10 for editing some photo and using Gimp to edit some picture. For picture Gimp is easier to use. Example for editing some logo I usually use gimp instead of photoshop element 10.


VPN usually hard to use and some point cannot be use because of some problem. I will give one application that I using it. It free and can open any website that block. If you live in country that usually block some websites like China or Indonesia even though some website you don't even know why they block it. This application is good for you to use.

This called Web Freer. It easy to use because it browser-like VPN. You can using it like any other browser. Plus this one is free. One thing that lack in this application is too many advertisement but because it free I cannot complain about. 

Android On Computer

You like to play some android game but you don't want fill your handphone with lot of games application because it can make you handphone easier to hang or error. Or your handphone cannot use it because it consume lot of memory.

Blue Stacks will come in handy for you to use it. It like emulator of android on computer. So you can use like normal android. You can also download some android application from google store. Overall is good when you want to play the game on Handphone but your handphone not to compatible then this apps are good for you. You can just play your game on the PC now. 

Recently Bluestacks just release a new Bluestacks 2, the advertisement say Bluestacks 2 can works multiple apps on the same time. Read that I was happy at the first but after the install. I realize it can be works for multiple game because it will make the game pause when it change to other game. The interface now looks like browser rather than the android. Before it really likes Android but now it became browser. You can change tab between the application just like browser. The interface now easier to use than before. 

Video Player

Always save the best for the last. I already using a lot of video player.  After try it all, I choose KMplayer as the best video player I can found. The appearance of this video player are good to see. The best of this video player is lot videos format can be play by this video player. Until now I can't found any video format that cannot be play by this video player. I found some video error but I think not because of the player but because the video itself is broken. 


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