Fantasy War Tactics

Fantasy War Tactics

Fantasy War Tactics is a game produce by Nexon for Android/IOS Handheld
It's a interesting Strategy Role Playing Game for android handheld. Story of a villain who want to rule over the world. You can collect all 50 heroes. For stage you can use 5 heroes. Most of Character Can be found in the story line.
Heroes are divide into three categories. There are Paper, Scissor, and rock. And divide again into 5 types. There is attack type, defend type, balance type, area type, and support type.

What to do to collect all heroes.
1. Complete the story line
There are a few character you can get from story line. But, Every time you meet the boss. You can fight in hard level or higher to collect the genes. Collect The genes to collect the heroes.

2. Battle Stage

There are two option on battle area.
The first one is battle of honor where you get rank battle. You can get reward every week on monday. The reward is include the medal. Collect medal to exchange with hero genes. You can exchange 1 gene every 10 medals. There are two heroes you can recruit in this area. Persona : Phantom Thief and Nox : Vampire. You need 180 genes to recruit each character. A new update give you a new hero Belle.

The second one is Dimensional Breakthrough. There are 10 stages you can complete each day. You can get various reward for completing each stage. But the important things is you can get genes of two heroes from this. The genes reward is a random reward so complete as many as you can each day. The best is complete 10 stages each day. The difficult level of this are balance with your heroes so. Start complete this from first day you play are better. There are two heroes you can recruit in this area. Fruel : Combat ranger and Lena : Diva. You need 360 genes to recruit each character

If you think is impossible to finish this, here some trick. The first five stages usually can be finish without problem. For the rest, first, you need to max out Lord Skill Hell's Fire then sacrifice some of you heroes. Just enter stage with one hero and full Lord Gauge then use hell fire and let the hero die before enemy heal themselves. If enemy heroes have healing skill like Serendi, Mas, Gillian, etc, it will become useless if you don't kill your hero fast enough. If you strong enough just use around 3 hell fire to make enemy heroes halves their live and use your strong team to defeat them. If you think you are not strong enough then use around 6 hell fire to defeat it without use main team at all. So you need around 6 heroes to sacrifice in order to finish 1 stage. If you want to know how to max Lord Gauge, you just need to max the Lord gauge in Story mode. 

3. Expedition
Expedition is sending heroes for expedition. This one is important to collect resource and leveling up your heroes. The important thing you can get from here is Ancient Coins. You can exchange 15 Coins for 1 heroes genes. But you can only but 10 genes for each heroes every day. So even you have enough coins you still need time to buy it. There are 4 heroes you can recruit from expedition. Momo : White Rabbit. You need 45 genes to recruit. Mu : Exorcist. You need 108 genes to recruit.Shark : Pirate. You need 360 genes to recruit. Unknown : Wanderer. You need 360 genes to recruit.

4. Lost Island

The Lost island is extra stage you can find in the story line map. This island only open every two weeks on random day. There 3 heroes you can collect in this map. So every change you see this open. Collecting genes are begin. Nirvana : Healer, Muang : Pyromaniac, and Chenny : Magician. You need 720 genes for recruit each hero. A new update is a hero called Krut : Orc Warrior can be obtain through the Lost Island.

5. Attendance Complete
As long as I know the only way to collect blue genes are from attendance or event. Complete 30 days attendance give you blue genes reward. There are 5 heroes you can recruit from this blue genes. Alex : Lance, Tao : Kungfu Girl, Zero : Assassin, Shu-shu : Little Angel, and Rage : Gunner. You need 670 genes for recruit each hero. 30 Blue genes will give you 670 genes of those character. So if you lucky or not lucky, you can ends up getting genes character that you already have. Good Luck with it.

6. Map 100% Complete
Complete main story map for 100 % will give you Sione : Black Bride. You must complete 9 last map to collect Sione. Every map give you 80 genes. Complete 0,1, and 2 map not give you her genes.

7. Library in the sky
In here you can get Celestial : Dragon and Deimos : Tyrant for 980 genes for each Hero. For Celestial you can complete the stage each days to get Blue gems. Each blue gem can be exchange for 10 celestial genes.

8. Dark Fortress
In Dark Fortress you can get Valkyrie : Soul Gear. What you need to do is complete attendance for 7 days. You don't need to do for 7 days straight. After that you can see the cut scene and get the hero.

9. Event Heroes
You can only get this heroes in event time. So if you miss it you can't get the heroes. Seira : Reaper and Spooky : Witch can only obtain by past events.

If you wondering where you can get accessory except from using gems.

You can get it from Nephthys Dungeon. In Sunday There is Spinx's Maze where you can collect accessory from there. Of Course the probability change of you getting those are low.

How to level up your hero
1. Send to expedition
Don't forget use friend mercenary to give you extra reward and experience.
2. Finish every stage with rank ss

B, A, S, SS
Every rank give you one reward so if you finish stage with rank ss. You will get 4 rewards. This reward include golden coocoos that give you a lot of experience point.
3. Nephthys Dungeon.
Every day Nephthys Dungeon give you 3 win change to collect golden coocoos that give you a lot of experience. So you can collect up to 12 golden coocoos each day if you finish it with rank ss. Every day give you a different type of golden coocoos.
4. Weekend Madness
Every Saturday and Sunday there is Experience bonus times 2. So you get 2x experience. Saturday for odd number map and Sunday for even number map.
5. Choose Hero Wisely
Every hero have different experience point needed to level up. So if you want to level up quickly choose hero with low experience point needs. For example the same level chris and kai in early four star can have a 8000 experience point different to level up. Imagine you need 60 level for becoming 5 star. The different is 400.000 experience point. It is just 4 level. There are 250 level total for one hero.

Check Story
If you have nothing to do. Every time you recruit a hero check a story pages. It is just for fun. There are stories of daily life of heroes. This are 2D story telling but the story are usually fun to see. There are 120 stories in total. So don't forget to check it. This is the reason I try to complete all 50 heroes. Because the story are funny and interesting.

Check Official Trailer from Nexon
I just find this official trailer of Fantasy War Tactics from Nexon Mobile Games Channel on Youtube
Check it:

Extra Comic When Update
When you update, you can see this comic. I put the comic here in case your internet connection are too fast and you can't see them all because update already finish. Its divided into 3 stories.


Hero Genes


Talking Corner
The Most Character Right Now
I already look at top ten players. The most heroes they got until now is 35 heroes (13/12/2015). So there are still lack 15 heroes. So still need so much time for a any player to recruit all 50 character.

The Best Character
I already look at top 20 players in battle area and see their top ten character and make this rank base on that. (18/12/2015)
1.   Mu 10%
2.   Jack 9.5%
3.   Deborah and Carrot 9%
5.   Serendi 8.5%
6.   Lena and Jenny 6.5%
8.   Chenny 6%
9.   Nox 4.5%
10. Unknown 4%
Other 26.5%

I don't know about the other bug but I found 1 bug in the game. Some people already have a same problem. Is a mercenary bug. If you have a equip that have special accessible for any terrain for example Chase set. It provide with water and swamp accessible. If your hero with that equip change into mercenary then when it goes back the special accessible will gone as well. Interesting right?
This is only just to know. (18/12/2015)

Lost island only open for 48 hours for every 2 weeks. So you want to get as fast as you can but you can't beat the Muang Island's 3 or stage 3 of lost island. At first I thought is impossible to get the hero for 48 hours without farming the third stage but after I try is possible. Every you finish the lost island stage 2, you will got 3 - 16 genes at random. I try for 2 days straight. So every energy I got will be used to finish the lost island stage 2. After finish it for 2 days straight, I got 960 genes in total. So I got extra 240 genes to upgrade Muang's skill. So is possible to get Muang for 48 hours. Of course, I believe if I finish the stage 3 for 2 days straight it will be much more genes.  (21/12/2015)

Perfect Genes
Perfect Genes or Rainbow genes in color is a new update (22/12/2015).  You can get it from the Tower of Dawn. The function of this genes are for upgrade skill hero that you already got. You can use it on any hero as you like.

Update 4 - 2 - 2016
New Character Magician :Yekaterina from Tower of Dawn. The 51th Character. Now is balance between every type: Scissor, Rock, and Paper. All have the same 17 character for each type.
Guild System, Still doesn't know the function of the Guild but still is a interesting to see.

Update 3 - 3 - 2016
There are 4 new heroes from Anime called Noblesse can only be obtain on event march 2016. Those for heroes are; Butler Frankenstein, Lord Raskreia, Reaper Seira, Werewolf Muzaka  2 can be brought in the event shop. And the one 1 can be found on the lost island. Seira only can be obtain buying her package  Don't forget to check for 2 new costumes for each event character and 2 new costumes for Lord : Raizel. Buying Lord new costume also give you a change look on main menu. 

Here one of the change made by purchase Lord new Costume for 1200 crystals

Krut (10/10/2016)
I Just Got Hero Krut : Orc Warrior. This hero can be obtain in Lost Islands for 720 hero genes. I think this is a great hero with great passive skill.

Halloween (13/10/2016)
For Halloween event, Nexon update Fantasy War Tactics with a new costume for Lord called White Witch that give you halloween theme for main menu. I gave you sample picture of it bellow. This costume cost you 1200 crystals. There also a few character halloween costume for Chenny, Lena, and Celestial for 600 crystals for each character's costume. 


                                               Chris                                                  Kai

                                            Deborah                                                Serendi

                                                 Ian                                                      Sraka

                                               Alfred                                                Momo

                                                Mu                                                       Jenny

                                              Carrot                                                    Mas

                                                Dolores                                            Lance

                                          Sonic Boom                                             Jack        

                                                 Poni                                                 Gillian

                                                  Fruel                                                 Sione

                                                 Lena                                                 Unknown

                                              Persona                                              Shark

                                              Azrael                                                  Nox

                                               Nirvana                                               Angela

                                                 Lily                                                   Klein

                                               Raboff                                               Alex

                                                  Moa                                                 Cleo

                                                  Belle                                               Tao

                                                    Jin                                               Bearman

                                              Elektra                                                Muang

                                                Chenny                                               Lee

                                                Zero                                                 Shu - Shu

                                                Hella                                                  Henry

                                                Rage                                                 Kitty

                                                 Lilid                                               Dominique

Yekaterina                                         Celestial

Valkyrie                                               Deimos

Banshee                                           Spooky

Kurt                                                Reina

Noblesse Special Edition Character

Lord Raskreia                                  Butler Frankenstein

Werewolf Muzaka                                     Reaper Seira

Noblesse Raizel


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