10B Wives

10B Wives

10B wives is game for Hand Phone Handheld 
10B Wives is Goal of this game is to get married to as many girls as you like!
This is a simple game to play. What you need is tapping and upgrade. There are 16 wives in game. 


You can tap anywhere at the picture to gain Love to upgrade wives.  
WPT is Wives Point Tapping
The number above is total point you can get from tap once. 
If you tap picture beside it, you can upgrade the WPT to max level 7. But you can still add the value of this WPT by finish the achievement. Every achievement you finish will give you 20% plus for WPT. There a total 50 in achievement to finish and you will get secret illustration

Upgrade Wife 

LPS is Love per second. It will give you Love point every second without tapping. So if you leave the game still give you Love point. 
If you choose the wives option from main page you will see the list of wives. You can tap the wives to go to upgrade section. Three item are the multiple point of LPS of the wive. The item will give you x2,x10,x100 multiple. The last one is illustration of the wives. Only give you picture of the wives. 

Warning Spoiler!


If you tired playing the game and just want to see all the illustration and secret illustration of the game. I will give all the illustration bellow. 


Secret Illustration 


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